John 3:30 I must decrease, Christ must Increase...
So many times throughout my life I enjoy hearing people telling me how great I am. A few weeks ago I preached a message that I was pretty proud of delivering. After the service I had several people approach me to let me know how much they had enjoyed my message. After about the third person came up, I started thinking, "how dare me to think that was my message!" That was not at all my message, that was God's message. God gave me that message, God delivered that message, and God let the people receive that message! All I did was to be a mouthpiece. I don't know how many of you have ever seen a mouthpiece, but a mouthpiece is usually pretty gross and stinks!
Over the last few weeks God has really been dealing with me about who He is and who I am. I am nothing without Him. The verse today is very simple...He must increase in my life and I must decrease! My prayer this week is that I become smaller so that Christ can become bigger in my life! God Bless you all during "spring break"!
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